Portuguese League Against Rheumatic Diseases (LPCDR)


LPCDR’s vision is to reduce the global burden of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and to increase the quality of life of people affected by them. Our mission is to empower people with RMDs, contributing to their full integration into society, disseminating information on the nature, prevention, treatment, and social impact of RMDs.
Support, Education, Awareness, Advocacy, Collaboration and Research are our core values.

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Psoriasispatiënten Nederland


Psoriasispatiënten Nederland is a volunteer organization that attaches importance to good, objective information about psoriasis. What are the characteristics, how to treat the condition and what are the prospects? We provide comprehensive information about this on our website, through social media and in our magazine.

Psoriasis is a common, non-infectious chronic disease that manifests itself on the skin and sometimes in the joints.

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Reumatoïde Artritis Liga vzw


REUMATOÏDE ARTRITIS LIGA vzw – RA Liga vzw is a patient association.

Together with healthcare providers and academics, we share information, knowledge and experience, making it easier for patients to take control of their own healthcare process and life.

More than 100,000 Belgians suffer from this under-reported disease with mostly invisible but profound symptoms. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can slow down the disease and prevent irreparable damage.

With the oRAnje button, we raise awareness for RA. Because closing a simple button can be a daunting task for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Together, we make rheumatoid arthritis discussable.

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ReumaNet vzw


ReumaNet vzw is the Flemish platform for all people, young and old, with a rheumatic disease. ReumaNet aims to improve their quality of life so that they feel informed and respected and can fully participate in society with their condition. To this end, ReumaNet cooperates with its member organisations and with academics, care providers, policymakers and industrial partners in the field.

ReumaNet dreams of a society in which the person with a chronic rheumatic condition can lead a fulfilling life, can actively participate in society and is surrounded by the necessary professional care. In this dream, the person with a rheumatic condition is empowered and recognised in his/her psychological and physical integrity within an inclusive society.

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