University Medical Centre Ljubljana (UMCL) is the leading public tertiary medical centre in Slovenia and ranked among the largest ones in Central Europe.
UMCL’s key mission is to ensure high quality patient care and to promote the development of health services in Slovenia. With over 8.500 employees and the capacity of more than 2.000 beds with the access to cutting-edge research facilities, medical technologies and treatment approaches UMCL provides the most complex patients from Slovenia and abroad with the state-of-the-art management in various medical and surgical fields.
High quality and safe health care is provided by the application of clinical care pathways and upgraded with the acquisition of numerous international accreditations and business excellence awards.
Last but not least under and postgraduate education of all medicine profiles is carried out in UMCL as well. Educational processes are associated either with Medical Faculty of Ljubljana University and other local medical schools or medical faculties and various relative medical associations from abroad.
Most UMCL facilities are located at Zaloška 2, Ljubljana. UMCL comprises six divisions and ten independent departments and institutes.
Role in METHYLOMIC project
The role of our hospital is involvement in study design conceptualisation and recrutement of patients.