VU Amsterdam is a unique university where education and research are closely linked and distinctly multidisciplinary. VU Amsterdam combines its top position in research with a strong social orientation, which has resulted in an excellent international reputation. The Department of Health Sciences is embedded in the Faculty of Science. At the department of Health Sciences, we conduct research, education and valorization activities concerned with optimizing the health and well-being of populations. We strive for societal impact by directly influencing prevention, care and policy making and by engaging all relevant actors. The section Health Technology Assessment is dedicated to informing policy makers when allocating scarce healthcare resources. We do this by conducting applied cost-effectiveness evaluations, and by developing and evaluating new methods for such evaluations.
Role in METHYLOMIC project
New health technologies are continuously introduced into the healthcare sector that provide more clinical benefit but at a higher cost. The limited budget available for healthcare makes that healthcare decision makers all over the world are increasingly confronted with decision about how to allocate these healthcare resources. This is also the case for the biomarker assessment for treatment selection that will be evaluated in the METHYLOMIC project for Crohn’s disease. Cost-effectiveness evaluations can support such decisions by providing information on the additional health benefits and costs of the new intervention compared to usual care. Therefore, the section Health Technology Assessment will be responsible for the design, execution, analysis and reporting of both the short-term and the long-term cost-effectiveness evaluation within the METHYLOMIC project.